jeffreyanthony's blog

Nov 17th - Limited Submissions

Dear COE Community,

I hope this email finds you well. I would like to share with you two potential opportunities from the latest 'Limited Submissions Newsletter'. If you are interested in pursuing any of these opportunities, please reach out to Sara Chavarria for further assistance.

Upcoming Limited Submissions:

NOV 14th - The Current

This week's current has no changes relevant for the COE. 

Link to full Newsletter.

NOV 8th - The Current

Nov 2nd - Limited Submissions

Dear COE Community,

I hope this email finds you well. I would like to share with you two protentional opportunities from the latest 'Limited Submissions Newsletter'. If you are interested in pursuing any of these opportunities, please reach out to Sara Chavarria for further assistance.

New This Week:

Oct 31st - The Current

This week's The Current has no significant changes from last week.  

-Jeffrey Anthony

Oct 26th - Limited Submissions

No new content from Oct 19 Limited Submission Newsletter.

Link to Oct 26th Newsletter


Oct 24th - The Current

Oct 19 - Limited Submissions

Dear COE Community,

I hope this email finds you well. I would like to share with you one opportunity from the latest 'Limited Submissions Newsletter'. If you are interested in pursuing, please reach out to Sara Chavarria for further assistance.

Oct 17th - The Current

Hello COE Community, 

Link to Full Newsletter

Below I have singled out the relevant opportunities in the most recent ‘Current’ Newsletter, and further information for each opportunity is in the forwarded newsletter below. If you are interested in pursuing any of these opportunities, please reach out to Sara Chavarria for further assistance. 

Oct 12 - Limited Submissions

There are no significant changes from the previous Limited Submission. 

Link to full newsletter

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